Online Event with
broadcast by this site
October 18 , 19 and 20, 2021
Presentation of Congresses
As the only national event in the Brazilian congress calendar focused on obstetrics and gynecology in childhood and adolescence, this SOGIA Br international congress addresses the most important themes in this area, always presented by professionals in Brazil linked to the best places for this skill's practices in universities and in child and adolescent care services.
This year with the participation of International Professors from South America and Canada. Check it out !
Nosso evento já ocorreu, mas você ainda pode assistir às mais de 25 aulas gravadas e toda a interação ocorrida ao vivo com os participantes nacionais e internacionais.
Adquira sua assinatura e tenha 90 dias para assistir quando quiser!
Os participantes do evento poderão rever as aulas até dia 18 de janeiro de 2022.